4U2SEA™ Videos

We hope you will enjoy watching our 4U2SEA™ videos. If you have any questions about any of the videos, please send as an email!

Our FUN Video About the Our History
(3 min. 41 sec; 243KB)

Videos taken by Jeff Smith

View the inside of an
Out Islander 64'
with clear2seauv

You Just HAVE to
Hear this Customer!

(Controls for this video/audio are
at the very bottom of the phone's picture.)

Dirty Enclsoure Windows? No Problem!

Left, Jeff demonstrates the solution to dirty enclosure windows!

4U2Clean™ was sprayed on the right panel; then wiped off with a soft clean cloth; then followed by an application of 4U2Polish™. The polish was applied with a soft cloth and removed by hand with another clean soft cloth.

You can really see the difference!

4U2Clean™ and 4U2Polish™ have been tested and approved for the transparent acrylics, O’Sea™ scratch resistant vinyl, regalite® vinyl as well as marine cover fabrics that border these enclosure materials such as Steadfast2and all CY4EZ fabrics.

Take it from many boaters, these products are easy to use and they work in real world conditions.

Above: Experience a day fishing with Cool2Sea: Catching a White Marlin.
Below: Fishing - Catching a small Blue Marlin.

Above and below: Experience a Cool2Sea™ enclosure in a day of fishing Wilmington Canyon.